6 Sisters, all with names beginning with the letter C, and our amazing Mother...showing off our projects, newly found skills, knowledge and achievements. We're just trying to keep in touch- using technology to span the distance of hundreds of miles that separate us. Sisters C- we're best friends and each other's biggest fans and support.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Easter Basket Exchange

My friend Kari does this every year and it's a LOT of fun! See her post from last year with all her rules/guidelines, etc here. (Thanks Kari!!!)

Anyone interested in doing this????

It's an Easter Basket Exchange where everyone participating fills out a simple questionnaire, then gets assigned someone else to send an Easter basket to. The questionnaires help guide your contents of the basket; and along with a few simple rules, everyone participating gets an awesome Easter basket to enjoy!

1. participants need to be connected with us (one of the contributors to Sisters C Sisters Do)
2. live in the continental U.S. or have an APO address
3. spending cap of $30 (NOT including shipping)
4. please do NOT include cheap chocolate (no one wants to eat it!)
5. Please send a Thank You note or email

The Details:
1. Leave a comment to this post or email me directly (celeste dot mcneil 5 at gmail dot com) to say you want to participate. Make sure I have your email address!!! The deadline to sign up is Tuesday , March 6, which still leaves plenty of time to sign up, a couple of weeks to put your basket together, and just over a week to get it to the recipient.

2. Once I know you're in on this awesome deal, I'll email you a questionnaire. Please respond back ASAP. Just hit respond and then fill in the answers to all the questions. On March 10 I will make the assignments and you can get started on your basket! I will send your answered questionnaire to the person who will be making your basket so they have some idea of what you like or don't like.

3. The idea is to put together an awesome Easter basket for your person. Use your creativity to include fun things (Does NOT have to include ONLY Easter things). The idea is to create a "dream Easter basket" to mail to someone else. Remember there is a spending cap of $30 (so you don't have to spend that much, but please don't spend more), not including shipping. Please also remember that no one like to eat poor quality chocolate, so don't send any quality that YOU wouldn't want to get. It's also fun to include things that are local to you-to share a little of your town with someone else who lives elsewhere.

4. Once you've created the BEST EASTER BASKET EVER, package it all up (you do NOT need to put it in an actual basket) and take it to the post office! Please ship Priority Mail - this will insure it arriving within a week. Kari suggests using a flat rate box, available in various sizes from the post office, so the package is not limited by weight. Please ship your package no later than Thursday March 29 to ensure your package arrives by Easter. There is nothing worse than waiting for an expected package that arrives LATE! (Especially when you KNOW it contains chocolate!)

5. It's up to you decide if you're going to open your package early or not...no rules about that. When you do open it and discover all the AWESOME goodies put together by your new friend, please snap a few pictures and send them to me. We'll do a post-package blog posting. Also, please send your giver a thank you note or email to let them know how much you appreciated all their efforts!

That's it! Post a comment (with your email address) or shoot me an email to get started!

Again the Dates:
Deadline to Sign Up-Tuesday March 6
Responses to questionnaire-ASAP
Assignments emailed to you-Saturday March 10
Deadline to get package in the mail-Thursday March 29
Easter-Sunday April 8

Please let me know if you have any questions, of if I haven't explained something well enough!

Sisters-please feel free to invite a friend or two to participate (if you want to)!


  1. I am in! will you send out the questionnaire?

  2. I am in as well. I talked to one of my friends who sounds interested also. I sent her a link to the blog to decide if it is something she wants to do. Sounds fun. Thanks for setting this up eldest C!
