This year I've gotten into the Halloween spirit more than I did last year.
was the reason for the lack of Halloween treats and projects in 2010. Now, that I'm NOT in the grips of utter exhaustion that only comes from a newborn, I've tackled a few festive projects.

One was in the kitchen...
I saw this on another blog and knew immediately that I needed to try it. To see the original post on Mel's Kitchen Cafe, click here. I made a minor adjustment (to the flavor/color of the jello-I used raspberry instead of grape) which, I think made them even better than the original!!!
Aiden "helped" me make them (he mostly watched and did a little stirring- and bumped my arm while I pored) and he LOVED every minute of it! Brandon was a little more apprehensive when he saw the finished product; but when he realized it was jello-he quickly got over the grossness. Caleb-he wouldn't even try them-he immediately spit out the little piece I put in his mouth.